
The objectives of this project will be achieved through a series of activities summarized below.

A. Preparatory actions: field surveys and literature review of Roncovetro and Sallent sites will be performed by respectively RER and IGC. After that, the Wi-GIM system requirements will be discussed in detail considering the specific characteristics of the target areas. ICAD will be responsible for the design of the devices, as well as the overall WSN. The preparatory actions will also include a LIDAR survey performed by INGV and the implementation or adaptation of a conventional monitoring system necessary to assess the accuracy and benefits of Wi-GIM.

B. Implementation actions: ICAD will assemble a suitable number of SN (80) and BS (10) devices. The sensors will be organized in a network and installed on the test area and monitoring Wi-GIM will start. INGV will implement a GIS that will contain and display all the collected data, the location of BS devices and, during the monitoring, the x, y and z position of each SN. For the Roncovetro site the GIS will use the high resolution digital elevation model (DEM) acquired during the LIDAR survey as a base reference. A Web-GIS page will be created displaying the georeferenced data in a proper form. DSTUNIFI will use Wi-GIM data in order to evaluate the hydrogeological hazard for early warning purposes.

C. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions. The real-time web publication of the monitoring activity guarantees that the Wi-GIM functionality will be continuously checked. In order to assess the performance of Wi-GIM system, DST-UNIFI will compare the collected data with the ones obtained from parallel traditional monitoring systems.



A. Preparatory actions
A1 Geological and geomorphological characterization of the Roncovetro landslide
A2 Geological and geomorphological characterization of the Sallent site
A3 Design of sensor and base station devices. Overall system design and calibration
A4 Installation of conventional monitoring for Wi-GIM data validation on the Roncovetro landslide
A5 Adaptation of the conventional monitoring installed at Sallent for Wi-GIM data validation
A6 High-resolution DEM acquisition, processing and post processing, of the Roncovetro landslide

B. Implementation actions
B1 Devices assembling and network implementation
B2 Wi-GIM installation and calibration
B3 Implementation of a GIS and a Web-GIS page
B4 Wi-GIM monitoring activity: data collection, processing and maintenance
B5 Real-time hydrogeological hazard assessment for early warning purposes

C. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
C1 Conventional monitoring: data acquisition, processing and maintenance
C2 Performance assessment
C3 Integration of the developed system with Local and National Civil Protection procedures

D. Communication and dissemination actions
D1 Wi-GIM website and networking
D2 LIFE+ information boards
D3 Layman's report
D4 Workshop and demonstration activity in Italy
D5 Workshop and demonstration activity in Spain
D6 Education of the population
D7 Dissemination to the scientific community

E. Project management and monitoring of the project progress
E1 Project management and coordination
E2 Networking with other Life+ projects
E3 After-LIFE Communication Plan